Can production plants be environmentally friendly, say what?
Pulp and paper manufacturing processes
Pulp and paper making process form from stages raw material preparation, wood handling and debarking, pulping, bleaching, papermaking, respectively (Bajpai, 2018). Firstly, woods which are raw materials made from different tree species are chosen for the pulp and papermaking industry. In the next stage, happen removing bark from wood and chipping, these screening, handling in wood handling and debarking process. Pulping process are divided into three categories. These categories can be listed as mechanical pulping, semichemical pulping and chemical pulping. Mechanical pulping converts wood into pulp through mechanical energy. Mechanical pulping, which is divided into four in itself, consists of chemithermomechanical pulping, chemimechanical pulping, thermomechanical pulping and refiner mechanical pulping process (Das and Houtman, 2004). Semichemical pulping process base upon chemically treating wood chips to achieve softening and partial lignin removal, and then mechanical treatment to separate the fiber. In this process mostly utilize sodium sulfite, sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide (Malo, 1967). During digested raw materials transform to black liquor due to using the sulfate and sulfite chemical agents under the 160 ℃ temperature in chemical pulping process. Aim of the bleaching process obtain light color or white papers through chlorination and oxidation by using oxygen, chlorine dioxide, sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen perioxide chemical agents. Lastly, the bleached or unbleached pulp further are refined to cut the fibers and roughen the surface of the fibers to progress the formation and bonding of the fibers in the papermaking process.

Let’s get to know integrated management systems
Integrated management system is defined as OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 standards used together. Thanks to OHSAS 18001 are made innovative studies related to occupational health and safety. Owing to ISO 14001 are developed and implemented the various environmental policies. Aim of the ISO 9001 to satisfy demands of the customer and to improve their satisfaction (Jørgensen and et. al., 2006).

Do you think green economy is related to integrated management systems?
Integrated management systems complement each other and have environmentalist approaches. This connection can be explained as follows. Mustapha and colleagues have been found ISO 50001 connection with ISO 14001 in between. This relation can be expressed taking under the control of the electric consumption and ensuring the environmental conservation.
Integrated management systems have been investigated in terms of sustainability in different sectors and their relations with each other have been mentioned in the literature. According to ISO 14045 and ISO 14001 has been developed some properties which increasing product or service value, reducing environmental impact, optimizing the use of resources in order for ensuring eco efficiency in pulp and papermaking industry. If we specialize these features, can be expressed less CO2 emission and water consumption through eco efficient mills (Yu and et. al., 2016).
Integrated management systems are being implemented in pulp and papermaking manufacturing plants around the world, however progresses show that we are be on the bottom rung of the ladder of this issue.
Within scope of the kaizen principles case studies
At Renova which a pulp and papermaking manufacturing facility in France, environmental innovations were realized with improvements based on lean manufacturing techniques. By improving operational efficiency was occurred diluted very low concentration pulp wastewater in the paper mill. In detailly, when the results of the process efficiency are investigated waste generation 0.67%, water loss 0.73%, pulp accumulation 1.90% and other losses 2.88%, respectively (Moura, 2015). Resource efficiency linked to preventing environmental pollutants, improving environmental sustainability, reduction the air emissions was determined via smart PLS 3.0 software model in Indonesia at the pulp and paper making plant (Saudi and et. al., 2018). The petrocart project and lean and green production was came together at the pulp and papermaking manufacturing plant in the Denmark. In this project, wastewater discharge was reduced by 87%, fiber losses were reduced, the consumption of recycled paper was increased by 21%, fiber recycling was increased by 8%, the amount of COD was reduced by 55%, the amount of TSS was reduced by 83% (Vais and et. al., 2006).

So what did we understand?
Digitalization, lean manufacturing techniques and integrated management systems by coming together the ensure sustainability in terms of both environmental and economic.
Although rare in the world, some innovative work has been done in the pulp and papermaking industry within the scope of environmental and economic sustainability. However, no studies on kaizen principles have been found in the pulp and papermaking industry in Turkey. Nevertheless, the dissemination of kaizen principles in industries is not impossible.
References and Related Links
Bajpai, P. (2018). Biermann’s Handbook of Pulp and Paper: Volume 1: Raw Material and Pulp Making. Elsevier.
Das, T. K., & Houtman, C. (2004). Evaluating chemical‐, mechanical‐, and bio‐pulping processes and their sustainability characterization using life‐cycle assessment. Environmental Progress, 23(4), 347–357.
Malo, B. A. (1967). Semichemical hardwood pulping and effluent treatment. Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 1875–1891.
Jørgensen, T. H., Remmen, A., & Mellado, M. D. (2006). Integrated management systems–three different levels of integration. Journal of cleaner production, 14(8), 713–722.
Mustapha, M. A., Manan, Z. A., & Alwi, S. R. W. (2017). Sustainable Green Management System (SGMS)–An integrated approach towards organisational sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 146, 158–172.
Yu, C., Shi, L., Wang, Y., Chang, Y., & Cheng, B. (2016). The eco-efficiency of pulp and paper industry in China: an assessment based on slacks-based measure and Malmquist–Luenberger index. Journal of cleaner Production, 127, 511–521.
Moura, J. (2015). Continuous improvement in a Paper Production Process: The case study of Renova. Research Report. Department of Engineering and Management, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa. Available at:< https://fenix. tecnico. ulisboa. pt/downloadFile/1126295043834516/Artigo% 20Joao% 20Moura% 20Final. pdf>[Accessed 17 April 2018].
Saudi, M. H. M., Djaya, A. H. M., Puspani, N. S., & Sinaga, O. (2018). The Effects of Lean Management in Life Cycle Management Practices towards Sustainability Performance in Indonesia Pulp and Paper Industry. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.28), 227–231.
Vais, A., Miron, V., Pedersen, M., & Folke, J. (2006). “Lean and Green” at a Romanian secondary tissue paper and board mill — putting theory into practice. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 46(1), 44–74.